Bristol Transfer Station

Bristol Transfer Station; 3901 County Road 2, Bloomfield, NY 14469


OPEN: March through December - Saturday only. Hours of operation 7:30 AM to 1 PM

Winter schedule:

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Closed January 11 & 25, February 8 & 22


Residential refuse and recyclables only! (Town of Bristol and East Bloomfield only)

Household garbage (Bagged and tied) - $5 per bag (includes recyclables) - cash only. 

  • - All loose trash should be bagged and tied. 
  • - Cardboard must be broken down & flattened; no larger than 4' x 4'. 
  • - Any recyclables that are not clean or mixed with unrecyclable materials, such as bags, Styrofoam, or coated items, will be considered contaminated and disposed of as garbage.

- Recyclables only - $1 for each 14 gallon bin, (charge only applies if no trash is dropped off). 

- Metals - accepted at no fee.

- Household appliances (residential only) - accepted with a $25 fee - cash only payable at the transfer station.

Electronic waste: TV's and Computer monitors (Bristol and East Bloomfield residents only) - no fee.


Additional fees schedule

Common Bulk Items Set Pricing:

- Two cushion couch: $20-$25

- Three cushion couch: $25-$30

- Hide-a-bed couch: $35-$40

- Recliner couch: $35-$40

- Full Sectional couch: $35-$50 depending on size and weight.

- Recliners: $15-$30 depending on size and weight.

Mattress & Box springs:

- Baby single: $5, Set $10

- Single/Twin single: $15, Set $25

- Full single: $15, Set $30

- Queen single: $20, Set $40

- King single: $30, Set $60

Truck & Trailer Loads:

- Pickup Truck: $30 minimum, final price to be determined by content and volume.

- 6ft Loaded Trailer: $50 minimum, final price to be determined by content and volume.

- 12ft Loaded Trailer: $100 minimum, final price to be determined by items, content and volume.


Non-Accepted items: Tires, Oil, Ammunition, Batteries, Liquid Paint, Fuel cans/tanks, Asbestos Material, Medical Waste, Aerosal Cans, Commercial Construction debris, Hazardous Waste per NYSDEC law.


Ontario County free collection events: Recycling Event Schedule (2024)


Additional information for drop-off of electronic materials:

7318 Victor-Mendon Road
Victor, NY 14564
Phone:  888-563-1340                                 


Ontario County Recycling Information


Watch a video that details how recyclable material is sorted through the equipment within the Casella Recycling Facility. The video also includes some details on what NOT to put in your recycling bin, and why it poses a problem for the equipment and worker safety.

The link to the video on YouTube is: